Public System Recordings
Season 7 is commencing on the beloved Rinse France. The show will be radiating strength through the airwaves, featuring two incredible artists—one hailing from Ukraine and the other from the Netherlands. Anticipate a mind-blowing journey during the 2-hour show with ∄ resident Nastya Vogan and Dutch drummer Bobby Boycott.
Independent record label founded by Myn in Melbourne Australia and currently based in Paris, @public-system-recordings works at promoting an alternative and anti-conformist kind of music, always pushing the limits between wild rhythms, haunted melodies and corrosive soundscapes, somewhere between rage and elegy.
Listen to Public System Recordings every 2nd Saturday of the month, from 22h to 00h [CET] on

Label indépendant fondé par Myn à Melbourne (Australie) et actuellement basé à Paris, Public System Recordings met en valeur ses talents et sa sélection musicale avec un but peu orthodoxe : celui de refuser de se conformer aux statuts et tendances associés à la musique électronique contemporaine.