Les yeux fermés proposent des concerts dans l’obscurité, sans écrans ni téléphones portables, avec un dispositif d’écoute immersif pour mieux se perdre dans le son et renouer avec une expérience intime et collective.
Après des concerts à la Gaité Lyrique, au Lieu Unique (Nantes), la Fondation Beyeler (Basel) ou la SAT de Montréal, Les Yeux Fermés investissent les ondes de Rinse France pour une émission mensuelle de deux heures au cours de laquelle un(e) invité(e) aura carte blanche pour sélectionner une heure de musique à écouter dans l’obscurité, la première heure étant sélectionnée par Guillaume Sorge, le directeur artistique du projet.
Cette émission sans parole vous proposera une géographie sonore de l’intime, sélectionnée par des artistes issu(e)s d’horizons divers - pas forcément des musiciens - ayant en commun un rapport très particulier à la musique.
Fantastic Twins, the ongoing project of Julienne Dessagne, is a sonic exploration of dual characters born from one distinct perspective. A producer, songwriter and acclaimed live performer, Dessagne has spent the last decade sculpting a unique world, releasing on influential labels such as Optimo Music, supporting Bicep on tour and earning the stewardship of electronic music icons including the late, great Andrew Weatherall.
While 2023 sees the release of Fantastic Twins long-anticipated album,‘Two Is Not a Number’, Dessagne’s cultish reputation as a live act precedes itself. Prioritising a natural predisposition to experimentation alongside decades spent on the most open-minded dancefloors, Fantastic Twins’ focus on a hybrid approach, featuring synthesizers, samplers, sequencers and modular effects has enraptured audiences at some of the world’s finest nightclubs, including fabric and Robert Johnson, as well as festivals such as Houghton, Convenanza, 4GB and Mira.
Building a sonic narrative on the fringes of techno, driven by a sense of mystery and character that remains entirely her own, Fantastic Twins live performances launch minds and bodies into space with a story that evolves in each setting, waves of rave tension breaking with blissful release. Here, Dessagne’s own vocals act as an organic anchor amid a truly live set that acts as a continuation of the cultures of Kosmische, pure techno and contemporary psychedelia.
With a background in performance since a young age, Dessagne is also known for her scores for contemporary dance. Her first album, ‘Obakodomo’, was the soundtrack for a contemporary dance piece for children, a playful metaphor for how to learn to live together and share resources, composed as a subtle riposte to the notion that children’s music has to be “childish”. Dessagne is currently working on another composition for performance to be released later in 2023, furthering a back catalogue that has spanned scores for fashion shows, film and documentary features.
Following a decade of releases on labels such as Optimo Music, Hippie Dance and Kompakt, 2023 also saw the launch of House of Slessor, an imprint and label founded by Dessagne with the specific intent of releasing her own material. The label is the home of ‘Two Is Not A Number’, Dessagne’s album exploring the entwined lives and fates of Fantastic Twins, a metaphor for our own psyche, our inner conflicts, and our relationship to others and otherness.