
invite Tragedy Of the Body


This podcast is a sensorial journey at the crossroads of art, embodiment and the A.I. Renaissance. In this dawn of artificial consciousness where thought is outsourced to circuitry, and soul to signal, we explore the body as a metamorphic tool — the body as a hacking device, primal portal of transformation and alchemical creation. We unravel the power of pleasure as a bio-hacking site, the dance of pain and ecstasy, and investigate ways to re-anchor our essence in the sensual intelligence of flesh — those liminal thresholds where identity dissolves and creation begins.

Tragedy Of The Body is a magazine curated by Kayla Trillgore, exploring the topics of Birth, Pain and Pleasure. https://tragedyofthebody.bigca...

Vectrice d'une musique véritablement immersive, elle développe sa pratique de la musique électronique tout en menant en parallèle une carrière de plasticienne dans les arts numériques.