
invite post êxistance


Anaco invite post êxistance, a Helsinki-based collective effort that strives to create safer QPOC spaces through cultural and sonic influences from various origins throughout history.

post êxistance is a multifaceted community concept project that creates collective spaces filled with depth; shivers; fluidity and natural bloom; the freedom to feel, express and release. The Helsinki-based collective strives to create safer QPOC spaces through cultural and sonic influences from various origins, actively combining international and local curations.

Catch Anaco every 1rst Thursday of the month, from 20h to 21h [CET] on

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A la fois membre active de Barbi(e)turix, et tueuse aux platines, on a eu la chance de voir la carrière d’Anaco décoller depuis le début de sa résidence en 2018 !