система | system
invites IA w/ MM'99 & Silkarmour, Rafael, Amp13.
@systemnapotvora invites IA w/ MM’99 & Silkarmour, Rafael & Amp13. @systemnapotvora presents new transmission with IA Label residents MM'99 & Silkarmour, Rafael, Amp13. IA is a Warsaw-based label.
~ (00-60) MM’99 and Silkarmour:
This mix represents the crossover grounds of the musical soundscapes of two London-based artists, MM’99 and Silkarmour. During the exchange of influences, inspirational structures, and communal origins, a one-hour collage formed, merging all styles from classical pieces to glitch-techno. In this vivid discourse, the two artists present their most cherished musical elements, as well as a few unreleased tracks of their own authorship.
~ (60-90) Rafael:
My mix is soundtracked from some of my favorites movies
~ (90-120) Amp13:
I made a selection consisting of lo-fi rock songs, ambient, and noise to help you to dissociate.
As a pluridisciplinary project from Odessa, @systemma1 develops a live podcast platform, dedicated to electronic, forward-thinking music. Supporting experimentation in the spectrum of electronics, marginal and no-go-zone sound experiences is their main statement.
Listen to система every 4th Friday of the month, from 00h to 02h [CET] on rinse.fr

система | system
En tant que projet pluri-disciplinaire basé à Odessa (Ukraine), система développe sa plateforme de podcasts live, dédiés à la musique électronique avant-gardiste et à des pratiques artistiques performatives.